You want to know about the elections here?
Well... both candidates want to save all the children of America (including also all black children).
And both want to lower our taxes and put more money in our pockets (this is how taxes keep going down constantly in the USA).
They also want to preserve the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. - At least until the get divorced 2 years later.
Both of them want to restore honesty to the White House (they go thru this restoration every 4 years... it's some kind of a cycle)
They also want to keep the Faith Initiative going: the government gives huge amounts of tax free money to Jesus freaks so they can keep their racket going and proselytize more republican children. This Faith Initiative it's against the USA Constitution and the separation of Church and the State but is for the greater good of the American family.
They both will keep our soldiers fighting for our freedom, killing small children in Iraq before these children have a chance to grow up and become our oppressors.
They seem to agree on the need to keep Israel strong so the Jews, the chosen people of Imaginary God, can do the same to the defenseless Palestinian children.
Lowering the price of gasoline will be top priority for both candidates. We are Americans and we have the right do drive our Hummers: it is part of preserving our freedoms. The next oil producing nation we invade will be a little country we can easily defeat. Those godless Muslims are too tough!!! Venezuela will be much easier. Besides, Chavez is a disturbing force against Latin American democracy any way.
As you can see, all new stuff. Very exiting! This shapes out to be the year of America!
May the Imaginary God bless America and only America and may He help America defeat the godless enemies that are selling us oil at more than $140 dollars a barrel.
Let the war of the followers of Imaginary Jesus begin against the followers of Imaginary Allah! And may the strongest Imaginary God win!
I'll keep you posted.
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